At the recent meeting of the synod of the United Presbyterian Church, the Rev. Messrs. Andrew Mitchell Ramsay and Andrew Ross handed in the following report of the examination of Mr. David Hunter Ballantyne, late teacher and catechist at Buninyong.
"Agreeably to the appointment of the synod in January last, we have met with Mr. David Ballantyne and examined him on the following branches of study - Latin, Greek, Logic, Moral Philosophy, Church History and Theology; also as to his motives and views in desiring to enter into the Christian Ministry.
This examination was conducted by us conscientiously, and to the best of our ability, and we have no hesitation in recommending to the synod, that Mr. Ballantyne's application be entertained, and that the usual Trial Discourses be prescribed preparatory to his being ordained to the work of the Christian Ministry. Sincerely desirous to maintain that standard of scholarship and attainment which the Presbyterian Church has been accustomed to demand from all the candidates for the Ministry, your committee request that it be enjoined on Mr. Ballantyne immediately to begin and prosecute the study of the Hebrew language."
Messrs. David Chapman and David Hunter Ballantyne having delivered their trial discourses, the ordination is fixed to take place on the evening of Wednesday the 14th of this month, May 1851, at seven o'clock, in the United Presbyterian Church, Collins Street, Melbourne. - Times.